The Holiday Blues

Written by Melissa Cook, FSDC Clinical Intern

2020 has been a tough year for everyone.  Now that we are at the close, we must finish the year with the Holiday Season.  While the lights may be bright, treats plentiful, and family nearby, it can also cause stress.  Between the purchasing of gifts, the inability to celebrate with family and friends (Thanks, COVID-19), or disruptions in routine, it can certainly NOT be the most wonderful time of the year. 

                So how do we maintain our cool in a circus of chaos? Maintain routine.  Making sure you are taking care of your physical needs is important.  Sleep and exercise should be a priority.  Remember that moderation is important.  There is an awful lot of temptation- spending too much, enjoying food and beverage, or attending holiday activities.  Overindulgence can lead to headaches, fatigue, and frustration.   Most of all, give yourself grace periods. Call a friend.  Listen to music.  Read.  Seek an activity that you can do just for you.  That way, coming into January 2021 can be as peaceful as possible. 

Happy Safe and Healthy Holidays!