"Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere" -Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

As you may know, our newsletter recognizes awareness months throughout the year.  Awareness months help us acknowledge those in our community who should receive our support and to shine a light on their experiences while creating an environment of safety and ensuring mental health.

June is Pride month and our newsletter was to speak to, and acknowledge, those in our community who identify as LGBTQ.  As with other awareness months, we were focused on bringing attention to the LGBTQ community and how we, as a community, work together to support and establish an environment of acceptance and safety. 

We hope our newsletters supports a dialogue within our community which helps to bring about change while validating the experiences of others.  We also seek to challenge preconceived beliefs that may hinder us as we seek to truly see, and value, our neighbor.  We hope to create some discomfort within each of us so as to provide opportunity for growth.  And, support a conversation that speaks to our altruism and knowing there is something bigger than ourselves.      

I must admit that since May 25th I’ve had a difficult time collecting my thoughts while preparing my article.  The very focus of my article was playing out in front of me (and the world).  I was hoping to write an article that would create a moment that would have us stop and think about how we accept and treat others.  To again recognize that we’re all in this together.  To understand each person has value and is able to make a difference in our community (our nation and the world). 

Our work at Family Services of Davidson County has always been to relieve the fear of others and create a chance for healing.  Healing that creates a new journey in which the hopes and dreams of children, individuals and/or families can again be refashioned and achieved.  I believe that readers of our newsletter seek to participate in this work and is the reason you support our agency.  I also believe, with all my being, that we are an accepting and loving people but when fear guides us, we become blinded to our actions and the actions of others. 

Let us make a promise not to be led by fear or to become myopic in our view of others.  May we seek to do what’s difficult because we know that doing what’s hard is what’s right. 


Warm Regards,


Tim Tilley