Giving Tuesday 2022

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday.  The beautiful fall weather, time spent with family, and, of course, great food.  Like many families, there would be the low hum of conversations while we filled our plates and quickly consumed our dinner. 

 After dinner there was the all-encompassing discussion of shopping for Christmas and where we’d find the best deals (my sister is still the queen of finding deals).  Inevitably our planning would turn to what we could do for others. 

  Giving to others and engaging in acts of service has always been importation to us.  From taking on families for Christmas to providing dinners for staff of a local Hospice home.  We were hopeful these acts would be a blessing to someone in need. 

 November 29th is Giving Tuesday.  A day in which we turn our attention to the needs of others.  To become a blessing in the lives of children and families.  And experience our own blessings when we have shown our care and concern for those in need.  

 Family Services of Davidson County provides many services to those who are suffering and in the mist of traumatic events in their lives.  As you consider Giving Tuesday and making an impact in the wellbeing of others, we would ask that you consider supporting our services.  Your gift will make a difference in the lives of those we serve and help us fulfill the visions of living life free of violence.

 Thank you for considering a gift to Family Services of Davidson County.  Blessing and peace during this holiday day season. 


Tim Tilley

Executive Director

Family Services of Davidson County